Islamic Calendar

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Education and correlation with cancer survival.

An interesting data that I get from American Cancer Society , which is the risk factor of prostate cancer can be divide by 3  categories; ages, ethnicity and socioeconomic among the American. In summary, the men with ages 50 years and above and African American are more likely to get prostate cancer.

In the socioeconomic, the study of death rates vary among the years of education especially, African American men. In the range of 25- 64 years of education, American Cancer Society found that  the death rate of African American men with 12 or fewer years of education was twice from the men more that 12 years education. In the white men, the rates with 12 years and fewer with more than 12 years is 1.5 times. 

By the data, its look like longer a person have education, more change to survive for prostate cancer. What exactly its means. In my opinion, longer they have education, they have increase their awareness in preventing cancer such as their food, lifestyle with smoking and alcohol free, early cancer diagnosed  with frequently medical check up and also have more understanding how the cancer cause, and the best treatment.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Tersebut al-kisah. Iskandar Zulkarnain dan tenteranya terpaksa mengharungi terowong yg panjang dan gelap. Tiada api dan cahaya.Di tengah perjalanan, mereka terpijak batu2 yg begitu banyak bertaburan. Ada org berkata, terowong ini kaya dgn emas dan berlian.Apa lagi. Ada org yg mula mengutip batu2 tersebut hingga penuh tangan. Ada yg guna kan baju utk dijadikan pemegang batu2. Ada juga yg tidak percaya dan tidak mengutip apa.

 Setelah sekian lama berjalan dlm gelap, ada di antara mereka merasa letih lalu melepaskan batu2 yg mereka bawa.Akhirnya mereka mula nampak di hujung terowong. Dlm samar2 mereka telah lihat, batu2 yg mereka bawa adalah betul2 emas dan berlian.Ada yg minta kebenaran dari Iskandar utk berpatah balik ke tengah terowong. Tapi tak dibenarkan. 

Bila mereka keluar dari terowong, maka penyesalan yg amat hebat terasa oleh tentera2 Iskandar

Semua menyesal. Tiada yg tak menyesal. 
1. Paling menyesal ialah yg tidak percaya langsung. Tiada langsung emas berlian yg dibawa walaupun mempunyai peluang. 

2. Yg bawa sikit pun menyesal. "Kenapa lah aku bawa penuh tangan saja. Aku patut gunakan baju, kain dsb utk angkut emas dan berlian"

‎3. Yg bawa penuh baju pun menyesal. Aku patut pinjam kain2 dari org lain. Aku patut gunakan mulut utk angkut emas berlian dsb dsb. 

4. Yg paling menyesal juga yg mula2nya percaya. Tapi half way lepaskan batu2 kerana tidak yakin dan kerana letih dan malas

Begitu lah gambaran penyesalan kita bila sampai ke alam AKHIRAT. Semua menyesal. Tiada yg terkecuali.. Ketika sakaratul maut, kita akan dinampakkan gambaran di mana nasib kita di akhirat. Ketika tu roh kita meronta2 tidak mahu meninggalkan dunia jikalau gambaran yg tidak baik ditunjukkan. Spt mereka yg meronta2 utk balik ke tengah terowong dan minta kebenaran utk balik semula. Tapi bila roh di halqom sudah terlambat.

Bila sampai di akhirat, semua org akan menyesal. Yg soleh dan solehah menyesal kerana masa yg berlalu tanpa dimanafaatkan untuk meningkatkan amal ibadat supaya dapat darjat yang lebih tinggi. Yang kadang2 soleh, kadang2 perangai mcm KAFFIR Laknatullah  lagi lah menyesal. Ada amalan. Tapi sikit. Dosa menimbun.

Org2 kafir lah yg paling menyesal. Terutama mereka yg dah sampai seru, faham pasal Islam, tapi pilih utk tidak beriman kerana ego, pangkat dan harta dsb. Orang yg asal nya Islam tapi meninggalkan agama lagi lah menyesal. Spt mereka yg mula2 kutip batu, tapi lepaskan. Di akhirat nanti mereka lah yg paling menyesal.

Itu lah gambaran penyesalan di Akhirat. Diceritakan penyesalan mereka dlm Surah Sajadah. 
Ahli Neraka merayu pada Allah. 'Wahai Tuhanku, sesungguhnya kami telah lihat dan dengar kedahsyatan akhirat, kembali lah kami ke dunia utk beramal soleh, sesungguhnya kami telah benar2 yakin.

Ditulis oleh pak cik saya Azhan Ali melalui status facebooknya : sebagai seorang mahasiswa juga menyesal selepas exam:

1- budak rajin dan genius merasa menyesal kerana masa yang dibuang untuk perkara-perkara lagha tidak digunakan untuk memahami ilmu dengan lebih supaya dapat first class degree atau 4.00 cgpa dan boleh dapat scholar penuh tuk sambung Phd

2- yang kadang-kadang belajar, kadang-kadang fly class pun menyesal gak pasal pointer cukup-cukup makan

3- yang asyik nk pi clubbing, terlalu sibuk dengan aktiviti-aktiviti bukan akademik,meniaga MLM selagi x cukup orang bwhn x nmpk btng hidung kt lecture,  terlalu extreme bab politik kampus pun menyesal gak pasal member-member dah pesan.. enjoy enjoy jugak, belajar kena la jugak. memang politik tue penting tapi jangan sampai hilang tujuan masuk U... akhir sekali dapat la G.K (gagal keluar)

Demi Masa sesunguhnya manusia dalam kerugian kecuali mereka yang beriman dan beramal soleh, -pesan dengberpesan pesan dengan kebenaran berpesan kesabaran.


Darah Rakyat

Darah rakyat masih berjalan
Menderita sakit dan miskin
Bila datangnya pembalasan
Rakyat menjadilah hakim

Ayuh! Ayuh!
Berjuang sekarang
Kemerdekaan sudah datang
Merah panji-panji kita
Merah warna darah rakyat
Merah warna darah rakyat

Mereka bersumpah pada rakyat
Kemiskinan pasti hilang
Kaum kerja akan membina
Dunia baru pasti datang
Dunia baru pasti datang

Ayuh! Ayuh!
Berjuang sekarang
Kemerdekaan sudah datang
Merah panji-panji kita
Merah warna darah rakyat
Merah warna darah rakyat

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Biofuel still have hopes.... But a lot thing we must do

Biofuel is renewable, clean and enviroment friendly. However the cost to extract it from biomass are very high and economically inefficient compare to fossil fuel. Energy company did not have any choice to choose fossil fuels eventhough fossil fuels are major culprit of global warming and increasing global greenhouse gases. But is not the omega of biofuels research.

By indentify additional enzyme that can  digest cellulose efficiently can help to develop biofuels in industrial scale.Living in cow rumen, the uncultured microorganisms is highly effective at degrading plant cell wall. Hess et al. (p. 463) used metagenomics and single-genome sequencing to assemble draft genomes from microbes adhering to rumen-incubated switchgrass to identify nearly 28,000 genes related to known biomass-degrading families. Ninety candidate carbohydrate-degrading enzymes were synthesized and their activity analyzed against 10 different substrates, including the biofuel crops miscanthus and switchgrass. The data set greatly expands the repertoire of full-length genes available for use in industrial biotechnology.

Within 28000 genes we must narrow-down to more specific group in order to find what the exactly the important addtional enzymes. In order to translate those genes, must involved a lot of molecular technique and of course involves many parties. Molecular Biology knowlegde can't stand alone without intergrated with other field such as biochemistery and microbiology.

With knowledge of genetic integrated with biochemistry in determining biological or enzyme pathway to degrade the cellulose plus microbiologist to understanding the behaviour of microbes, we can find alternatives way to produced biofuel that are very effective and econimically effective. Come on Bioligist, Lets work together for bettter future.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What we can observe via Pseudogenes?

Pseudogenes are dysfunctional relatives of known genes that have lost their protein-coding ability or are otherwise no longer expressed in the cell(Pseudogenes). In other word, pseudogenes is the genes contains same/similar exons but lack of introns of functional genes. A genes become pseudogenes once the enough mutation accumulated. 

What the importances of pseudogenes? After I read article from scientific american ( sci-am), in summary this articles explain about on the human evolution. Human accumulates pseudogenes so that reducing the ability of smell and grew more for vision. Different people has different pseudogenes, That why is explain the different perception of odour for different people like "You smell flower, I smell stale urine". Each of us live on our olfactory world. Everybody’s olfactory world is a unique, private world,” says Andreas Keller, a geneticist at the Rockefeller University.

Genetic variability contribute to different behavioral variability.   When  Keller and his colleagues asked 500 people to rate a panel of 66 odors for intensity and pleasantness, they gave the full range of responses—from weak to intense and from pleasant to unpleasant. In an ongoing study at the University of Dresden, Thomas Hummel and his associates have tested 1,500 young adults on a panel of 20 odors and found specific insensitivities to all but one—citralva, which has a citrus smell. Based on these findings, Keller suspects that each person has an olfactory blind spot.

These studies have wider implications than smell, said geneticist Doron Lancet of Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science. Because several genes contribute to the detection of most odors, understanding the genetics of olfaction and the way mutations spread in a population is yielding insights into the mechanisms of poly­genic diseases such as coronary heart disease and diabetes.

Besides that, is that Pseudogenes also contribute in development of one species? Compare the tiger and the house cat. The house cat like the miniature sizes of tiger. On the evolution pathways, may be pseudogenes can explain the how the tiger evolved to cat in term of developmental genetic.

Just take a look the Purring mechanism. ( Purr).  The cat from Felis genus is the only cat can purr. On other big cat species, felids of the Panthera genus (Tiger, Lion, Jaguar and Leopard) also can purr. The subdivision of the Felidae also can "purr" or can more suitable word is roaring. The roaring cat differ with the purr cat based on hyoid anatomy. The ‘roaring cats’ (lion, Panthera leo; tiger, P. tigris; jaguar, P. onca; leopard, P. pardus) have an incompletely ossified hyoid, which according to this theory, enables them to roar but not to purr. 

However  the snow leopard (Uncia uncia, or P. uncia), as the fifth felid species with an incompletely ossified hyoid, purrs (Hemmer, 1972). All remaining species of the family Felidae (‘purring cats’) have a completely ossified hyoid which enables them to purr but not to roar. However, Weissengruber et al. (2002) argued that the ability of a cat species to purr is not affected by the anatomy of its hyoid, i.e. whether it is fully ossified or has a ligamentous epihyoid, and that, based on a technical acoustic definition of roaring, the presence of this vocalization type depends on specific characteristics of the vocal folds and an elongated vocal tract, the latter rendered possible by an incompletely ossified hyoid.

If we observe the pseudogenes in cat and related with tiger we can understand more about the evolution of cat in purring mechanism, on the other hand better understanding of developmental genetic.